
Cybersecurity at Proximus NXT

Why  choose Proximus NXT ?

Based on an analysis of your business priorities, your global ICT landscape and your risk profile, we assist you in defining your security strategy. The result is a master plan and an optimal security infrastructure.


Define your security strategy

Based on an analysis of your business, your global ICT landscape and your risk profile priorities, we support you in the definition of your security policy. This leads to a blueprint, as well as optimal security infrastructure.


Secure your business

Through the implementation of solutions and/or services, as well as appropriate security infrastructure, we secure the entire perimeter defined by your IT landscape. We create, strengthen and control access to protect your most sensitive assets. These solutions can be implemented by Proximus NXT in your infrastructure or as a managed service.


Monitor and validate the security

Earn the trust of stakeholders by proving that the security management is tailored to the risks, requirements and business objectives. The audit gives an overview of the degree of protection against threats. Benefit from a system administration, measurement (reporting) and monitoring aimed at preventing, correlating, detecting, characterizing and responding effectively to security threats. Again, Proximus NXT can implement your solutions in your environment or offer you a solution that is fully managed by us (managed services). 


Create awareness and communicate

Help your employees, partners and customers to identify and respond to potential threats. Communicate in order not to have to fight alone against attacks already faced by other entities where the answers are already known.


The objectives are following

  • Define an information security program aligned with your organization's objectives, priorities and risk management.

  • Identify and effectively manage information security risks by taking into account the different layers of information, from the data to the user, through the access equipment, network and application, with the priority of protecting your sensitive data.

  • Optimize the management of human and financial resources in order to implement a comprehensive and coherent approach to the nature of the risks identified at the various levels of the information system.

  • Develop measurement tools that allow you to see, using a dashboard, the security status of the company and its evolution over time.

Proximus NXT can help you

  • Support your business activities by developing or aligning your information security strategy (and the underlying programme of activities) with the business objectives.

  • Design with you an effective organization of the security of information that includes a clear definition of roles and responsibilities, a Steering Committee for the security of information, a program of annual or multi-year activities in connection with your priorities, as well as the definition and organization of quality assurance measures for the implemented process.

  • Improve your resource management by defining and integrating security processes and responsibilities in your organization and your existing standardized processes.

  • Together define safety indicators and a dashboard to measure the performance of the tools, processes and controls put in place to demonstrate your proper management of the security of information within your organization.

  • Align your security services with the standards, regulations and methodologies recognized as "best practices" in the market: COBIT, EBIOS, ISO / IEC 27001, 27005, 31000. The application of these standards allows you also to compare yourself to the market and understand your level of maturity compared to this standard and your competitors.

  • Enhance your security activities by demonstrating their active contribution to the process of creating value for your business.

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