
Degroof Petercam rolls out a brand new digital infrastructure in partnership with Proximus and its subsidiary Telindus Luxembourg

Auteur : Telindus
Solutions ICT

Degroof Petercam rolls out a brand new digital infrastructure in partnership with Proximus and its subsidiary Telindus Luxembourg

When Degroof Petercam needed to overhaul its IT infrastructure in Belgium and Luxembourg, it turned to Proximus, through Telindus, the Proximus Luxembourg brand catering to the needs of the business market. This IT infrastructure forms the backbone of its digital transformation program.
Mobilizing its teams on both sides of the border, the group engineered the in-depth transformation of its IT environment, while maintaining the same quality of service.

At the end of 2019, the financial group Degroof Petercam embarked on an ambitious program to transform its digital environment: adoption of the cloud, evolution of the application base, exploitation of data and enforcement of security. However, this called for an upgrade of its IT infrastructure, subsequently paving the way for a scalable and sustainable digital environment.

This operation, which lasted 12 months to the day, was totally transparent as regards the teams in Belgium and Luxembourg, allowing them to remain focused on their core business and to maintain an optimal quality of service throughout this period.
The new infrastructure, which meets the highest standards of security and resilience, is the bedrock for the group’s digital transformation.
Thanks to Telindus/Proximus, Degroof Petercam now boasts a stable, state-of-the-art infrastructure and the latest cloud innovations, while relying on 24/7 support teams for the daily management of its IT landscape. As an added bonus, the switch from these old, energy-hungry servers to a state-of-the-art, environmentally optimized external private cloud will allow them to reduce their impact on the environment.

Yvan Pirenne, Group CIO Degroof Petercam: “I am proud of the work accomplished with Proximus, which shares our values of teaming up, innovation and excelling in customer service. More than a client-supplier relationship, we have forged a genuine partnership. Throughout this process, we were able to count on the unfailing commitment of the Proximus teams tasked with the complete migration of several hundred servers and applications to data centers in Luxembourg. Even the health crisis didn’t manage to sway the commitment of the teams to this task,” he continues.

Anne-Sophie Lotgering, Chief Enterprise Market Officer, Proximus: “We are honored by the trust placed in us by Degroof Petercam. Like them, we have our focus set on putting digital technology and innovation at the heart of the company's strategy, at the service of its operations and its customers. This project came to be about much more than IT; it was the human factor that drove our teams. ”

Gérard Hoffmann, CEO, Proximus Luxembourg, concludes: “Despite the current crisis, the collaboration between the Belgian and Luxembourg teams was both exemplary and successful. We are proud to provide the Degroof Petercam group, a benchmark in its sector for 150 years, with the foundations on which to build its digital transformation program, to keep pace with its development. ”

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