Voyager weekly

Voyager Weekly: Stay connected, everywhere in the world

Auteur : Michael Renotte

The cost of communications when traveling abroad, especially outside Europe, can quickly become a drag on the full exploitation of mobile telephony. To unleash this potential, Telindus has created Voyager Weekly, a two-pack offer that enables business users to stay connected under all circumstances, even on the other side of the world, while keeping their communication expenses under control.


Voyager Weekly allows users to call, surf or text at a preferential rate, freeing them from the constraint of finding Wifi access to communicate without inflating their bill. "With Voyager Weekly, you avoid overages and control your communication expenses when you travel outside Europe," says Fabien Loeuille, IoT and Mobility Product Manager at Telindus. "The price is fixed for a given volume of communications over a maximum period of 7 days. And should your communications exceed the volume allocated before these 7 days, you still get the lowest rates."

"You choose the pack in accordance with your destinations and favorite communication types - data or voice and SMS", continues Fabien Loeuille. "You determine whether you will travel in the Top Zone, which covers the 30 most visited countries for business reasons, or worldwide. In this case, you have to choose the World Zone pack, which also includes the Top Zone," he says. "With the Data packs, you have a volume of 500 MB valid for a 7-day stay, while with the Voice & SMS packs you get 150 minutes of calls and 100 SMS."

The pack is pre-activated before departure and starts automatically as soon as the user crosses the European borders. The session remains valid for up to 7 days. "You can check the volume remaining on your pack at any time and you get alerted when you reach 80% of the allocated volume," says Fabien Loeuille.

Users can also send an SMS at any moment to check the status of their pack. If the pack is exhausted before the end of the allocated period, pricing switches to a pay-as-you-use mode where services are charged on a per unit basis (MB, minute or SMS). A significant discount is applied for Voyager Weekly subscribers. Besides, once the period has expired, users receive an SMS proposing to renew their pack.

"Voyager Weekly is also available in manual version, says Fabien Loeuille.”This version involves sending an SMS to the user proposing him to activate the pack". This version should be considered when the user pays himself a portion of the telephone bill, while on vacation outside Europe, for example.

"Voyager Weekly addresses two issues", says Fabien Loeuille. "On one hand, many people did not have packs including roaming charges, which could lead to staggering bills when travelling abroad. On the other hand, mobile data consumption has been growing exponentially for 3 years and is still raising today by 30 to 40% on average every quarter, including roaming. Voyager Weekly allows us to offer a service that meets those needs at an attractive price", he summarizes.

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