Croix Rouge Lux

Croix Rouge luxembourgeoise

Developing mobility to improve assistance to vulnerable people


Their goals

  • Strengthen the spirit of collaboration, sense of belonging and well-being at work of  The Red Cross Luxembourg staff

  • Improve the effectiveness of The Red Cross caregivers in their daily interventions in patients' homes and with dependent or vulnerable people

  • Ensure optimal information security, both in terms of the integrity of patients' medical data and the protection of the personal data of people assisted and The Red Cross Luxembourg employees


The challenge

  • Implement a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution to provide a high level of equipment

  • Combine high availability of services with a reduction of their financial footprint

  • Facilitate and secure access to patient records during the daily movements of healthcare personnel


The solutions 

  • Deployment of the Citrix XenMobile platform for enterprise mobility management by Proximus NXT specialists

  • Hosting and management of the solution in Proximus NXT data centers


The results

The mobility development programme conducted jointly with Proximus NXT has enabled The Red Cross Luxembourg to equip 1,500 employees - mainly healthcare staff - with high-performance, secure and highly available equipment :

  • The new Mobility Management platform, deployed and managed by Proximus NXT, allows centralized deployment of new applications on devices and ensures consistent application versions for all staff

  • Remote incident management by the IT team is greatly facilitated and technical interventions are transparent to users, no longer causing service interruption

  • The implementation of the new solution results in considerable time savings for both the IT team and users, data access is greatly simplified while being subject to increased security

  • The User Experience is enriched, to the satisfaction of all stakeholders: nursing staff, IT team and The Red Cross Luxembourg's General Management



The benefits

  • Optimization of the work of carers

  • Modernization of its image by adapting the BYOD principles to the security constraints

  • Reduction in mobile fleet management effort

  • Agility’s optimization in incident handling and reduction of response times

A word from the client
Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise
A word from the client

''In 2016, we decided to outsource our IT infrastructure to Proximus NXT' data centers. In a second step, the entire management of this infrastructure was entrusted to our partner. Today, a large part of our business activity is managed by Proximus NXT as managed services, from the support center to the management of our servers and databases.

The mobility management solution recommended by Proximus NXT was demonstrated in real time to the Red Cross management. This opportunity to " finger" our future work environment has greatly contributed to convincing us that we are making the right choice, both from a technological point of view and in terms of understanding our needs.''

MARTIAL ARNOLD -  IT Director of the Red Cross Luxembourg

Croix Rouge luxembourgeoise en bref 

Avec plus de 2000 professionnels et plusieurs milliers de bénévoles, la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise est un acteur majeur dans les domaines de la Santé, du Social, de la Jeunesse et de l’Humanitaire. La Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise est ainsi engagée dans des activités aussi essentielles que les soins à
domicile, la transfusion sanguine, la convalescence, l’accueil des personnes âgées, l’assistance sociale, l’aide individuelle aux personnes en difficulté, les maisons relais et les maisons de jeunes, les services thérapeutiques socio-familiaux, l’aide humanitaire internationale d’urgence et l’accueil des migrants et réfugiés.